Bahama Rock
1/2 lime
1/4 Cucumber
80ml Lemon-lime soda
10ml Orange juice
40ml simple syrup.
Cocktail shaker.
20ml/40ml jigger.
Rock Glass (old fashioned) (or any other small glass, it dosn`t affect the taste)
1. Cut the lime into 4 small cubes and add to the shaker, then cut the cucumber in 4 about as big cubes and add to the mixer.
2. Muddle them to all the juice is squeezed out.
3. Fill the shaker with Ice, and add Orange juice and simple syrup.
4. Shake well.
5. Pour the mixture into a rock glass with an ice cube in it and top it off with ca. 80ml of lemon-lime soda.
6. Garnish with a slice of lime and cucumber.
The original Bahama rock contains Blue Curacao Syrup so if you want that blue color add some blue food coloring to the simple syrup to get that blue color to it.